Friday, December 12, 2008

The End has Come

So the end of the semester has finally come and here are some photographs from the last days... for this semester... in Syracuse NY.

Sneaking a quick picture while helping Joe Blum with his rap video for multimedia.

Jessica and Allison singing Karaoke at Singers. I think they were a little disturbed by the all too flirty dude that decided to sing with them.... Maybe because the only lyrics to the New Kids on the Block song we knew were " oh oh oh oh oh" . 

My friends chilling after their final critique of the fall semester.

So far, I have not had one good semester in the year and half I have been living in Syracuse. If it wasn't one thing, it was the next. And none of it even had to do with school! I love school and photography. We all have personal stresses and realities of life to deal with, I'm not special. SO....I'm not going to get my hopes up about the spring, I'm just going to start the count down until it's all over starting... now! :-) 

1 comment:

Jessica Rotkiewicz said...

Love the Singers photo! Haha that's Adam I asked him to sing with us!