Monday, July 7, 2008

Some images from the July 4, 2008 Parade

what I've noticed about myself lately.... Recently, I've noticed some odd things happening with my photography and thought process. Looking back on some of my more recent work, I realize now that I have been blindly shooting as much as I can and hoping I come back with something, anything. OR, just staring off and coming back with little to nothing. I know I'm seeing, but I'm not composing when I'm shooting. Everything Im producing is almost or not quite there. Yes, I know I'm always too hard on myself, but after the 4th's parade I looked back and realized that i had a few lucky shots to get away with for the paper. I know I'm not going to get something amazing on every assignment I go out to, but I do know that I want to feel like my work is more reliable. I don't know if it's the stress of working for a paper and trying to impress, or the stress of knowing that I HAVE to come back with something, or just stress. Almost everything I edit, I feel like Oh why didn't i move down or to the right, just a little.... or, what was I even thinking!? I'm shooting too straight on, I'm not thinking, and it's pretty frustrating because i feel like i'm taking two steps back. I can come up with a million excuses as to why i didn't get what in my mind would be a sufficient shot, but there really isn't any except my heart isn't in it right now. As my dear old Andrew always says... Stephanie Chill out, don't spaz, just look. Ohhh if i could only carry him in my pocket.
Does any of this make any sense? Or am I just rambling. lol. :)

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