Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Loving Baseball

Obviously, it's not always magic. I wasn't in the right place for the last photograph and someone decided to walk by as soon it was happening. It was my 'doh' moment of the night.... However, when an umpire dances with a giant bird, it makes everything all better.


Bob G. said...

Is that you loving baseball or the players? What a great capture!(Ball and player in mid-air.) What lense and settings?

Bob G. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob G. said...

Guess there isn't any way to edit a post other than deleting it. I was just saying I didn't read your post til after I responded. I think the guy walking bye frames the airborne player and the ball. The sliding player becomes a secondary focus point. I think it works!

Stephanie said...

haha thanks bob! Love the players!