Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Week

I've had a busy week, and I have absolutely no idea if I'm all set for Uganda or not. Regardless, I'm getting on that plane.

Some highlights from my week:

I had the pleasure of going along with two students on a class assignment and teaching them some down and dirty location lighting. It was fun, I hope I helped.

What do you get when you put professional journalists, students, professors, and visual story telling lovers in a Syracuse University Newhouse professors home? A chili cook off of coarse!!
This weekend was the annual Alexia grant seminar and judging. After the competition, there is always a cookoff. This year, chili master Prof Doc Mason won first place! Congrats to you sir!

Also, congratulations is in order to all of the Alexia winners: First place, Carl Kiilsgaard and second place Yanina Manolova, for the student category. All the entries were outstanding and it was really fun and educational to watch the judging.

And then I ended up at Singers, and much to my delight... It was 80s night. dot dot dot.

1 comment:

johnnyraygun said...

who won the procategory for Alexia?
did you go to the judging?